Families | Community » Catholic School Council

Catholic School Council

Our Catholic School Council is small but mighty. We are dedicated to supporting students in their school and family lives and to encouraging families to become a part of our broader school community. Each year, we host many events to bring families out together and give them the opportunity to meet new friends. Some of our activities have included a Winter Snow Ball (Family Fun Dance) and the spring Movie Night and picnic. We assist the school in supporting families through the Christmas Sharing Program, purchasing additional cold and wet weather clothing, helping to stock up the Breakfast Club, providing outdoor yard equipment, and assisting with the cost of students' year-end trips.  
We invite you to join our group and add your voice to supporting the students and staff of Holy Rosary Catholic School. We meet officially four times in the school year with intermittent gatherings to plan/implement events and activities. We welcome all new voices with enthusiasm. You can contact any member of the School Council through the school.